
DEAL Behaviour Assessment

$ 69.00

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D.E.A.L. stands for Doers, Entertainers, Analysts and Lovers.

Complete the assessment in less than 10 minutes – you’ll receive your score and a 20-page report on the behaviour styles.

It’s a “wholistic”, flexible framework of interacting and connecting with people that feels natural and magnetic.

Be a better leader, employee, partner, parent, teacher and student, able to deal effectively with all types of people, in any situation.

Best of all, D.E.A.L. is quick-to-learn and easy-to-remember.

D.E.A.L.’s unique combination of skills helps you identify and leverage your strengths and potential areas of conflict, (triggers). Implement mindful responses, and replace old, unproductive habits with new habits that generate significantly better outcomes for you and others.

“I found my results from completing the deal assessment highly accurate and insightful. I can see how the report will help me in working with clients and team members not only from the standpoint of understanding my own weaknesses but also my strengths. In addition, given the simple but detailed explanations for each of the 4 types, I can see how it will help me in quickly identifying a client’s type so that I can communicate in a way that is most meaningful to them.”
~ Laura W.

“The D.E.A.L. Assessment was easy to do, and the questions were in-depth and easy to understand. I liked the variety of questions. I was surprised at my results, but I see them to be quite accurate.

The report came so quickly and I was very eager to see my results! It was 23 pages, was thorough, and detailed. Good content. Having the example and what to do is great and the cheat sheets are a wonderful summary.”

~ Bernadine D.

This is your online D.E.A.L. Behaviour Style Assessment.

You can complete the assessment in less than 10 minutes, then you receive a score and a 20-page report on the behaviour styles.

D.E.A.L. stands for Doers, Entertainers, Analysts and Lovers.

It’s a “wholistic”, flexible framework of interacting and connecting with people that feels natural and magnetic.

It is a unique combination of your core values, innate personality characteristics, neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and your personal energy (feelings, perception, empathy – your “vibe”).

Discovering your D.E.A.L. Behaviour Styles is the first step in uncovering your strengths and your ‘truths’.

You will feel empowered to connect and build trust with other people in a way you have never done before. It will be authentic and feel natural.

You will be a better leader, employee, partner, parent, teacher and student, able to deal effectively with all types of people, in any situation.

Best of all, D.E.A.L. is quick-to-learn and easy-to-remember.

D.E.A.L.’s unique combination of skills helps you identify and leverage your strengths and potential areas of conflict, (triggers).

You will implement mindful responses, and replace old, unproductive habits with new habits that generate significantly better outcomes for you and others.

D.E.A.L. delivers results for:

  • CEO’s, Executives, Managers, Supervisors/Team Leaders
  • Sales and Customer Service Teams
  • Improved Team Engagement and Collaboration
  • Problem Solving
  • Customer Focus
  • Personal Relationships

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